by Maria Reschke | Nov 12, 2024 | Your Options for Raising Concerns
The Farmers Information Service participates in the Canada Energy Regulator’s Land Matters Advisory Committee (LMAC) presenting questions and concerns on behalf of British Columbia landowners, farmers and ranchers. This committee is a forum for members to exchange...
by Maria Reschke | Jul 28, 2023 | Types of Oil and Gas Activities and the Permitting Process
Schedule A A Delegation Agreement between the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) and the BC Energy Regulator (BCER) authorizes the BCER to make decisions for oil and gas activity applications within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) that are not for farm use. Note...
by Maria Reschke | Feb 18, 2022 | Landowners and Oil and Gas Companies
Civil Resolution Tribunal (Small Claims) The Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) may be an option for landowners to pursue if they are having difficulty resolving a small claim dispute with an oil and gas company or service company. Examples of situations when the CRT’s...
by Maria Reschke | Nov 9, 2021 | Landowners and Oil and Gas Companies
Soil Mapping and Classification Tool The Government of British Columbia has created the BC Soil Information Finder Tool (SIFT), an interactive tool and soil survey map that provides data specific to the different regions of the province. In this tool you will find the...
by Maria Reschke | Nov 3, 2021 | Government and Local Agencies and their Jurisdictions
Environmental Research Agencies The BC Oil and Gas Research and Innovation Society (BC OGRIS) is an independent organization intended to address knowledge gaps, inform environmental operational and health and safety policy and industry practices related to oil and gas...
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